February 12, 2019
To Our Valued Members:
This memo notes Agenda “topics of interest” and is provided to our members so that you may participate
in meetings and/or post comments, suggestions, and review petitions by residents in attendance
regarding items not on the agenda.
We have highlighted some topics of interest for your review.
Please feel free to review the complete Agenda details online at:
Attachments are available for download on the Borough’s website.
Committee Meeting
Public Works Committee
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 – 5:30 pm
Public Works Committee
Topic of Interest:
-Discuss Keystone Alliance Consulting Inc. Sewer Rate Study Proposal (attachment)
-Discuss the possibility of adding a ban on plastic straws to the previously approved ban on single-
use HDPE plastic bags
Committee Meeting
Parking Committee
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 – 6:30 pm
Parking Committee:
Topic of Interest:
-Consider making certain blocks of downtown parking available for parking car share service pick
up only zones / Thursday thru Saturday evenings after 10 pm (attachment / issue briefing)
-Consider authorizing Solicitor to amend Ordinance 104-52 concerning free meter parking First
Fridays from current language of 5pm-10pm to new language of 5pm to midnight (attachment /
issue briefing)
– Consider Increasing the annual rage of residential parking permits from $8 to $15 for the first
permit with consideration of an increase on the properties additional permits where applicable as
recommended in Desman's Final Comprehensive Parking Guide (attachment / issue
briefing) (WOW!)
– Consider increasing the annual rate of a business permit from $8 to $50 as recommended in
Desman's Final Comprehensive Parking Guide (attachment / issue briefing) (WOW!)
Committee Meeting
Administration, Technology & Communication Committee
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 – 7:30 pm
Admin, Tech & Communication Committee
Topic of Interest:
-Approve the agreement between the County of Chester and Borough of West Chester for the
County to assume control and maintenance of the West Market Street Mid-Block Crossing
adjacent to the Justice Center (attachment)
-Approve the 5-year Agreement of Lease between the West Chester Borough and the West
Chester Running Company, LLC (2/1/19-1/31/23) (attachment)
-Approve the 5-year Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Borough of West Chester and
the Brotherhood of the West Chester Police (attachment)
Tuesday, February 19th: Council Work Session 7:00 pm
Wednesday, February 20th: Public Hearings 7:00 pm
Public Hearings: Chapters 77 & 107, 7:00-7:15 pm
Agenda Attachments are available for download on the Borough’s website.
Please feel free to review the complete Agenda details online at: http://pa-
Thank you for your interest and please advise us of any information gathered at these meetings that may
be of interest to our members.
Grant Nelson Kari May
President Administrative Asst